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Saab Global
Maritime Img1
The R60 VDES Base Station, 星际网赌导航最先进的基站, 是专门为固定岸上和海上装置建造的吗. 它为最新的VDES标准提供了强大的支持, encompassing traditional AIS functionality while introducing an impressive array of innovative features.

Key features

Future proof by design
Supports AIS, ASM and VDES
Multi-GNSS capability


The R60 VDES Base Station is purposefully crafted to adhere to the upcoming generation of maritime communication protocols. 它无缝支持传统AIS系统, 强大的ASM通道(应用程序特定的消息传递), and the emerging VDE channels, 完全符合国际电联VDES的建议和IALA制定的VDES准则.


Saab holds the distinction of being the very first company to secure type approval for an AIS product. We have a rich history as pioneers in AIS development and have served as a leading provider of AIS base stations for numerous years. Our dedication remains steadfast as we continue to lead the charge into next generation communication protocols - an advancement into VDES. Once fully implemented, VDES will revolutionize global coverage with a bidirectional fully authenticated satellite communication link, 这一突破性标准的关键组成部分, 能够保护船舶的完整性,同时保持畅通的通信线路. 


The R60 VDES Base Station represents the evolution of the highly regarded R40 AIS Base Station, 以其坚定不移的品质和可靠的性能而闻名. 凭借其先进的软件定义无线电(SDR)设计, the R60 is future-proof, 准备好适应即将到来的国际标准和要求的变化.

The R60 Base Station aligns with the RED Directive and complies with essential international standards, 包括AIS基站标准IEC 62320-1, Aton Standard IEC 62320-2, AIS中继器标准62320-3. As defined by IALA, R60基站作为物理AIS海岸站的中心组件. Its primary function is to receive and transmit data to and from AIS/VDES equipped vessels operating within the Base Station's coverage area. R60可以作为独立设备无缝部署,也可以集成到网络中, 例如著名的星际网赌导航海事控制平台.

Interoperable and Reliable

Ensuring that the R60 operates with utmost reliability and availability has been a top priority in its development. 因此,它拥有令人印象深刻的超过100,000小时的MTBF. Additionally, R60配备了多个以太网端口, allowing for complete network backup and the ability to reset the base station's power remotely.

The R60 also features a built-in NTP-server option to facilitate local time synchronization for LAN-connected equipment. Additionally, 它通过FSR/ vsi消息信息为VDL分析提供了全面的支持, 提供接收信号强度等详细信息, Time of Arrival, and Signal to Noise Ratio. 此外,R60支持通过AIS和DSC进行通道管理.

For user convenience, 前置彩色触摸显示器简化了监控和配置的单位. More advanced configuration, monitoring, 远程更新可以通过内置的web服务器来完成.

Functional supremacy

A crucial focus in the R60's development has been to guarantee exceptional reliability and availability. 除了适应热备份安装和本地数据记录, the R60 introduces new advanced hardware watchdog functions and incorporates built-in remote power control, 进一步增强了系统的鲁棒性和可靠性.

Maritime Img1

Did you know...

  • VDES (VHF Data Exchange System)是基于AIS的国际标准.
  • We guarantee our VDES products being compliant with the latest standards thanks to our market leading Software Defined Radio technology.
  • Over the years, we have delivered more than 3,000 AIS base stations to more than 50 countries.
  • We are a leading supplier of national AIS networks and base stations in China, India and Sweden. 前者被认为是世界上最大的AIS网络.

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